Performance Analysis
FCI provides expert analysis to help our clients optimize the performance and throughput
of their Unisys mainframes. Performance Analysis answers questions like, "Which
application, middleware component, or hardware module might be responsible for the
lower-than-expected throughput I’m getting?"
As in any field, knowledgeable and skilled technicians are hard to find. This is
especially true in the Unisys mainframe arena—the niche in which FCI clearly leads
the industry.
To pinpoint areas of performance improvement, our consulting experts analyze all
aspects of your system in detail—from I/O subsystem to channels, peripherals, and
latency issues. After studying how these aspects work together, our experts can
tell you whether your system needs a different configuration, a more powerful component,
or whether it is time to upgrade or replace your main processor to achieve greater
throughput. Our philosophy at FCI is to focus on the "right fix" for our clients—a
fix that solves the problem in the most effective way.
your Unisys mainframe has performance problems that
need to be analyzed and corrected, then . . .
it’s time to call FCI !